Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness

Today we’re talking about the physical dimension in the Dimensions of Wellness! Physical wellness encompasses the overall health of the body. It involves taking care of your physical body through various means, including nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep, hygiene, and avoiding harmful habits. Frequently, societal norms dictate that we must conform to specific exercise or diet. However, it’s crucial to recognize that in physical wellness, individual choice plays a significant role, as there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. I recently had the opportunity to  interview two individuals who promote physical wellness in their own unique ways to show the correlation between physical wellness and mental wellness.

Image Credit: Hōms Center for Embodied Awareness

The first person I interviewed was Staisha, founder of Hōms Center for Embodied Awareness. She began teaching yoga at a young age and found solace in it after struggling with addiction. Recognizing the correlation between trauma and addiction, she pursued a bachelor’s degree in psychology to better understand substance use and trauma. In contemporary research, Staisha noticed that traditional talk therapy proved ineffective for coping with trauma, leading her to discover neurogenic yoga and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE).

These practices resonated with her own healing journey, leading her to obtain certifications and change her outlook on yoga’s role in trauma recovery. Driven by her passion for healing trauma and mindfulness, Staisha emphasizes the importance of mindful movement practices like yoga and pilates in obtaining embodiment. Embodiment involves being present for our sensations and actions, allowing us to gain agency over our movements and perceptions. She believes that true physical wellness comes from feeling safe and comfortable in our bodies, rather than conforming to societal fitness standards.

Staisha advises starting small and setting realistic goals on the path to physical wellness, emphasizing the mind-body connection and the importance of listening to our bodies’ signals. Without physical wellness, mental well-being is compromised, as there exists a mind-body feedback loop. Staisha stresses the significance of embodiment practices in reconnecting with our bodies and understanding our lived experiences. Ultimately, physical wellness through embodiment enables us to engage more fully with the world around us.

Image Credit: Mobile Striking Coach

The second person I interviewed is Kervin Giordany, also known as Coach KG, the founder of The Mobile Striking Coach, a brand that focuses on the discipline of martial arts and personal training through SSSTRIKE! Coach KG defines physical wellness by our power of choice and sacrifice, offering an opportunity for personal growth and inspiring others through hard work and dedication. Despite life’s uncertainties, prioritizing physical wellness empowers individuals to build strength, confidence, and motivation. Since physical wellness is within our control, involving the active choice to care for our bodies or neglect them, impacts our daily functionality and enjoyment of life.

Coach KG emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action, even with small steps like walks or body weight exercises, to build momentum towards larger goals. As momentum grows, individuals can visualize their desired body and set achievable goals to reach it through training and dieting strategies. With this in mind, Coach KG believes physical wellness acts as a gateway to mental wellness, with factors like healthy eating, exercise, and rest contributing to positive mental health.

On the other side, poor mental wellness can lead to unhealthy choices in nutrition and exercise. Ultimately, physical wellness is essential for achieving optimal health and vitality, and it serves as the foundation for overall well-being. By prioritizing physical wellness and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, individuals can enhance their quality of life, increase energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases and health problems.

